May 10, 2024

Loan Business

Prints Business

First thing your reader would want to see on your website

How to Grab Attention With Your Website Homepage Introduction

We spend weeks, months, and even years learning how to design and optimise websites for search engines (SEO). Most of us, though, don’t pay much attention to who visits the site.

Ignoring the needs and wants of your customers or site visitors is bad for your site. It can even destroy your site, since the site is for people and should be for them.

But don’t worry, if you know how to design websites and use SEO, you can also learn how to control the minds of your visitors. You just need to know what your site visitors want to see or at least what they expect to see on your site.

So, here’s a list of the five most important things:

1. If it’s quick

People check out how fast a website is, whether they mean to or not. Your job is to get things done better, but getting them done quickly is very important.

There is a group of sites that lets people look at any site they want. For example, there are a lot of e-commerce sites that sell herbal products. So, you must make your site strong enough to catch the attention of more people by making it faster.

You only have to:

• Use tools like and TinyPNG to optimise or shrink the images on your site.

• Compress or shrink JavaScript or CSS files.

• Eliminate or remove render-blocking

2. What does the site have to do with?

What do you do? What do you want to sell? Or what services do you offer to customers? These are the things people want to know and that your site should explain.

Make sure your visitors can see your most important information without having to search for it.

3. If it’s simple to use

The navigation is the other important thing that users will see as soon as they get to your site. In fact, more people visit websites that are easier to navigate.

One can make his or her site easy to use by:

• Making sure all the parts stay the same

• Made categories and sub-categories clear.

• Adding relevant Calls to Action to help visitors

4. Relevancy

No matter if your site is about health and fitness, business, the media, or something else, it needs to be about something that at least every other visitor will want to see.

Make it easy for people to find the information they want on your site. Don’t forget that going off-topic is not the way to go.

5. If it looks good

People will judge you based on how neat and clean you are, whether it’s you, your home, or even your website. Simple, neat, and clean things matter a lot to your visitors. By keeping white space on your site, you can give people a pleasant sense of how simple things are.

People from different backgrounds may have different ideas about how a website works. But the things listed above are what every visitor to your site would want to see right away.


If you have your answer now, we suggest it is time you get a professional web design service provider to get your website ready. Assuming this is your first time getting a website, we urge you to choose a reliable provider. Here is hoping you have understood this article, if you have any other questions, please share them in the comments section below.