May 7, 2024

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The benefits of having pet insurance for senior dogs

The definition of a family is no longer confined to including just human beings. Currently, pets are also considered full-fledged family members. Many households decide to adopt pets for their homes to have company. Such creatures eventually become so connected to their owners that they are practically considered household members. The fact that there is a fur baby in the family is considered when making arrangements for things like vacations, travel itineraries, and even cuisine.

If you give some thought to every family member, you’ll realise that there is an insurance policy to protect them. But have you given any thought to purchasing pet insurance for dogs? Similar to a conventional health insurance plan, pet insurance covers various veterinarian bills that may be required in case of illness or an accident. Because of their outgoing and devoted demeanour, dogs are frequently chosen as household companions by their human owners.

While a disease might be a one-time event, the costs associated with bringing up a pet and providing for its care can be relatively high. Good-quality food, accessories, grooming supplies, immunisations, and medications are a few expenses necessary if you are a pet parent. In addition, just as there have been advancements in human medical science, there have also been advancements in animal medical science, which has increased the expense of treating animals. Here are five reasons why purchasing a dog insurance cover is a good idea:

Offers Excellent Healthcare Facilities for Your Pet: Like people, animals can also experience many health problems. Dental disorders, parasite-bone disease, cataracts, fractures, and issues associated with pregnancy are some of the conditions that fall under this category. They are more frequently seen in dogs, which is not surprising given that many people choose dogs as pets. The purchase of pet insurance for dogs can give the required financial support to seek prompt medical treatments as they age, especially as the canines get older. *

Prevents You from Having to Use Your Funds: When it comes to pets, accidents and injuries are seldom foreseeable and can occur at any time. With a pet insurance India policy on your side, you can rest assured that these treatment costs for your fur babies do not dive into your hard-earned savings. With a pet cover, any financial burden for medical procedures can be kept at bay, much like health insurance works for your other family members. * ##

Reduces the Out of Pocket Expenses Included in Treatment: As they get older, just like people, pets can develop serious illnesses, and the costs of treating these life-threatening conditions are typically relatively high. With an appropriate dog health insurance plan, you may seek the best healthcare for your pup while you save money on expensive treatments and hospitalisation. * ##

A Strategy for Every Financial Plan: While health insurance plans are available for different budgets, pet insurance India coverage is also offered in varying coverage quantities. In addition, the things covered under each insurance are different, which is another reason you need to review everything before acquiring it. Based on your budget, you can decide whether to pay annual, half-yearly, quarterly, or monthly premium payments. *

Optional Extra Coverage Theft or loss of a pet, international travel, and even third-party liabilities can all be covered by pet insurance as optional extras. Coverage for these scenarios is available. Depending on your pet type, you may purchase these supplementary covers to protect yourself from a potential financial loss if your pet causes injury to a third party or damages their property. *

Insuring your little furball is just a few right steps away! Keep them protected at all times.

* Standard T&C Apply

## All savings are provided by the insurer as per the IRDAI-approved insurance plan. Standard T&C apply

‘Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.‘